LEXUS RX 3001998-2003 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Lexus RX 300 - Cars Lexus RX-300 Identification numbers of the car Acquisition of spare parts Technology of service, the tool and the workplace equipment Poddomkrachivanie/posting and emergency transportation of the car Start of the engine from the auxiliary power supply Automobile химикалии, oils and greasings Diagnostics of malfunctions + Controls and operation receptions + Options and car routine maintenance + The engine + Systems of cooling of the engine, heating, ventilation and air conditioning + The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases + Systems of an electric equipment of the engine + Automatic transmission and interaxal differential + Transmissionnaja line + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment + Basic schemes of electric connections |
Identification numbers of the car At purchase of spare parts the information coded in identification numbers of the car has special value. Doing the order for a demanded spare detail. Necessarily inform the model name, year of release, and also number of a body and the power unit. Arrangement of identification numbers
In it consisting of 17 points, number the information on date and a point of production of the car, its complete set, year of release of model, type of a body is ciphered, etc. (see the table). Site of number of the chassis
Site of number of the engine
Decoding VIN
1-3 Index of the manufacturer 1 - the State-manufacturer: J - Japan S - Great Britain 2 Factory-manufacturer: T - Toyota (Jap) 3 Region-manufacturer: 1 - Europe 2 - SsHa/Kanada 7 - Australia and «the third countries» 3,4,8, B, C - Gulf States 0 - Tajvan/Singapur 4-9 Description of model 4-5 Type of a body: 11, 12 - the Jeep/minivan 21, 22, 23 - the Cargo bus 31, 32, 33 - the Pickup/truck 41, 42, 43 - the Bus 52 – Hetchbek, 2 lateral doors 53 - the Sedan 54 - Hetchbek, 4 lateral doors 63 - the Compartment 64 - Liftbek 72 - the Versatile person/car 6 Series of the engine A - 4A, 7A B - 3B, 11B, 13B, 14B, 15B Etc. 7 Model: S - Lexus RX 300 8-9 Code of model: Letters are meant by second ten: A=10, B=11, C=12, D=13, E=14, F=15, G=16, H=17, J=18, K=19, L=20, N=22 etc. For example: A0 - 100 A1 - 101 … … B0 - 110 … … N1 - 221 10-17 Identification number of the car 10 Spare symbol It is not used. Usually on this place costs «0» |